South East Europe's strategic geographic location positions it as a crucial energy and transport corridor between South and North. Can the region strengthen its role in facilitating the flow of energy resources and goods by leveraging initiatives like the Vertical Gas Corridor.

Angelos Vlachos
Port of Kavala SA, Greece
Dr. Angelos F. Vlachos, is a public policy expert with strong managerial competence focusing on sustainable development, also with a heavy academic background;BA and PhD / Univ. of Athens;MA Univ. of Sussex.
His experience lies at multi-levels, initially with a wide-ranging research performance and at a later stage on numerous strategic ventures related to the tourism phenomenon and the port industry.
Throughout the last decade he has concentrated multifariously on infrastructures’ management and above all “Blue Growth” Projects. Coped with several matters at the edge (between corporate and government), he has shaped a hybrid professional identity - combining solid business knowledge with soft skills.
Angelos has taught at the Univ. of Peloponnese, at Panteion and at the University of Piraeus;currently he is lecturing at the Hellenic Open University (EAP).
He has worked in the international tourism industry;senior Policy Consultant in the Ministry of Tourism;director of the Greek National Tourism Organization (China);independent expert in tourism policy;initiator of a European co-funded research scheme (P-P Project).
One of the longer-lasting Directors of Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (BoD of HRADF-aka TAIPED);BoD member at Thessaloniki Port Authority (ThPA) in charge of the privatization;later, also held a seat at the BoDs of Kavala Port SA and Alexandroupolis Port SA.
Monday 20 | 01
Sofia Balkan HotelMon 20 | 01
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